Tuesday, October 11, 2005

RSS Feeds for my blog readers

For those who care to read my blog on a "near daily basis" or even for those who like to use minimal effort to browse I have the solution for you. RSS feeds. First you need to ask yourself a question or two. Do you know what internet browser you are using. If you have difficulty answering this, it is probably internet explorer. If you use Firefox you are already ahead of the game, sit tight and I'll explain that in a moment. For Internet Explorer users you will need to get your hands on an RSS feed viewer.

Internet Explorer does not come with support with it out of the box. If you have downloaded the brand spanking new beta version of Internet Explorer 7 your browser will support it, but for 99.9% of the world the answer is no.
The next step is to download an item such as Pluck Pluck has features designed for each browser or a universal version. Get the verison that applies to IE if you are running IE and so on if you run otherwise. (Read: Linux, MacOS and such get the web edition or Firefox edition)

Pluck and follow the destructions.

When you've got it installed add my blog by manually subscribing to it via the new bar that is in your IE window. It should resemble this:
Add my blog feed address which is: http://chasev.blogspot.com/atom.xml

And there you have it...Pluck will automatically update my blog as I post new entries. All you need to do is check in Pluck and it will let you know what's up.

Tomorrow I will post how to do RSS in Firefox. I'm tired and work has been long....


At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geek alert! :)

At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i added an rss feed to my livejournal friends list, so that I can read it.


At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry. this is actually the link


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